Robert E. Peary. The first man to reach the North Pole - April 6th, 1909.

The Board of Managers of the National Geographic Society at a meeting held at Hubbard Memorial Hall, November 4th, 1909, received the following report:

    "The sub-committee to which was referred the task of examining the records of Commander Peary in evidence of his having reached the North Pole, beg to report that they have completed their task.

    "Commander Peary has submitted to his sub-committee his original journal and record of observations, together with all his instruments and apparatus, and certain of the most important of the scientific results of his expedition. These have been carefully examined by your sub-committee, and they are unanimously of the opinion that Commander Peary reached the North Pole on April 6th, 1909.

    "They also feel warranted in stating that the organization, planning, and management of the expedition, its complete success, and its scientific results, reflect the greatest credit on the ability of Commander Robert E. Peary, and render him worthy of the highest honors that the National Geographic Society can bestow upon him."

    (Signed) Henry Gannett
    C. M. Chester
    O. H. Tittmann

    The foregoing report was unanimously approved.

    Immediately after this action the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

      "Whereas, Commander Robert E. Peary has reached the North Pole, the goal sought for centuries; and

      "Whereas, this is the greatest geographical achievement that this society can have opportunity to honor: Therefore

      "Resolved, that a special medal be awarded to Commander Peary."

Photograph provided by Patricia Sutherland



copyright (c) 1985, 2000 Robert A. Antol

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