Polar Slide Show

As Presented at Schools

Please Note 1:
If you would like to view the slide show as presented at school, you can select from the list below.

Please Note 2:
In the upper left corner of every page, you will see some symbols to help you navigate through the images. The following table will explain what each symbol does for you.

Explanation of Symbols (Specific to Viewing the Slide Show)

Previous Page This will take you to the previous image.
Next Page This will take you to the next image.
Previous Page This will take you to the previous image.
Top This will take you to the Main page of the document. Once you are viewing the Main page, selecting this symbol again will bring you to the README File.
Image Index This will display the "At a Glance" polar image page. This is useful when you are viewing a picture and would like to see the entire matrix of images to select another.
Full Size Image This indicates a full size image of the photograph is available. Selecting this will display the full size image.
Take Note Stop and take note of the information or data being flagged.

copyright (c) 1985, 2001 Robert A. Antol

For more information, contact Bob Antol
URL: file - slideShow/slideShow.html